Draconian Rebels
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Draconian Rebels

Alpha Draconians and other Draconian Star Seeds have turned to Love & Light thx to the Ascension process. Join and meet your Galactic Family here.

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Privacy, post and thread formatting, copyright

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We're not a sect but wise old souls, who do care for our privacy and harmony. Please keep your private details at your home!

I. Opinions, views - disclaimer

1) Comments or opinions expressed on the Draconian Rebels forum are those of their respective authors only. The views expressed on this forum do not necessarily represent the views of the forum's founder (Admin), its moderators or other users. The forum founder (Admin) is not responsible for, and disclaims any and all liability for the content of comments written by contributors to the blog.

II. Please do not post on this forum (includes: info, images, illustrations, videos, links, sound recordings, etc.):

1) Your private details (your email address - it's only required to let you log in, postal address, true name and surname, phone number, credit card info, PayPal address, family details, their pictures, names, etc., school, work place, company names etc. etc.),

2) Drug talk, drug recommendation etc.,

3) Porn, nudity, violence, and sexuality related things,

4) Any other personal details or judgment towards others which may make you feel bad later,

5) No extensive politics and conspiracy talk, though short mentions are allowed.
Reasons: a) other forums have covered these topics so we don't have to; b) negative Reptilians which can be mostly found amongst politicians and branches of the organized religion enjoy when you pay attention to them and are negative towards - they feed with your energy. When you pay attention to somebody or something, you give them your focus and energy but also create a connection to become available in spirit.

6) Copyrighted material without having a written permission given by its legal owner, links to pirated movies, video games etc.

7) Nazi, tortures, medical experiments, gore, graphic content and related are not allowed,

Don't forget to log out when you're finished writing/replying.

III. Text format and language

1) Use simple text formatting. Avoid bold font used for the entire paragraph, shouting with upper case fonts and an excess of suspension points, they just read bad. I won't be moderating these however because your writing style speaks about you!

2) Topic/thread format: be precise about the core essence of your interest or question, keep it short, don't use upper case for the entire title, a sentence style is enough, and don't write 'Please help me with...', 'Help!', 'What is it?' etc.

3) The official language of this forum is English. If you can't speak/write in this language, please paste an English translation of your question or response.

4) Posting images, YouTube videos - please use external services to upload your photo (I can recommend https://postimage.org/ but any well known and safe is good enough) and paste a link to it in your post. The reasons are a) forum free storage, b) forum backups, c) external content is frequently removed by their owners (especially YouTube and others) and the Admin has no time for tracking this.

4) For other tips related to signing up, logging in, changing/retrieving own password, posting, editing your posts, creating topics etc, please see the official PunBB FAQ.

IV. Copyright - members, media and publishers

1) Any text or visual content presented on Draconian Rebels forum (opinions, views, past memories, dreams, scans, photos, sketches, etc.) is copyrighted and copyrights belong to their respective owners. Said copyrighted material including sensitive data (past memories, alien contacts etc.) must not be used commercially or presented on non-commercial and commercial channels/media without receiving a written permission from their authors (this forum members).
Example: if you're browsing this forum and plan on quoting any member's opinion for a purpose of publishing a book, article blog post etc., you must ask for a permission to copy or use such a content.

2) Respect other writers' copyright - do not copy/paste their books, blog posts or articles here. Only quotes and links to original copyrighted material are welcome,

3) When you post your own art work (hand writing, image, photo, etc) you are the only copyright holder and it must not be used without your permission. You can remove your own content by editing a post you've created anytime.
You agree & acknowledge however that since it's an open discussion board (publicly accessible to view and read by guests and to reply by members) its content is indexed and available though search engines, thus your original art works & posts can be also found and viewed through such search engines (Google, Bing, etc). The Admin of this forum is not responsible for any abuse or misinterpretation of your original content.

//I believe that Draconians do know how to fight for their rights so you'll surely curse the one who tries to steal your stuff, across all dimensions! Wink// Like that:  dragon

V. Friendly atmosphere

Do avoid racial, religious, sexual, national or ethnic insults including "jokes" (yeah, leave female blondes alone too, their are usually Pleiadians Wink). We are made of the same, which of course doesn't mean we-humans are one - we differ due to cultural & psychological backgrounds.

VI. Ads & linking other sites

It's a free forum hosted on a free service (Forumotion) and as the provider, they dictate the rules. They do not include ads into their forums unlike other platforms, thus my choice for your convenience. Users are not allowed to post any advertisement here: in their posts, replies to others, on own profiles and profile footers. No paid coaching, astrology charts, twin flame mating, or related services are allowed.
If you have a website which content is related to that of the forum (awakened, ascending positive Draconians, Reptilians), you can of course link it in your profile.

VII. Banning, warning users, negative energy

1) If you notice a user who frequently brings negative energy to the forum by bullying, spamming or undermining  position of other users and their opinions, please use a Report button (see the right bottom corner under a post editor -> exclamation mark).
By default, guests (non-members) have no access to post anything, they can't send private messages and see the Members list either.

VIII. Changes to above rules, account deletion, posts deletion

Admin of this forum has the right to change rules of this forum anytime and under any circumstances. You - a member hold the right to disagree with updated/modified rules and ask for a deletion of your account.
Your posts however won't be removed if they were replied by any member of this forum to avoid inconsistency within a tread.

Overall, let's keep it peaceful, tidy, simple and well organized! Thank you Smile

~Admin - Fire Dragon


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